레바논, 권력공백으로 정국 불안 (E)

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Lebanon's pro-Western Prime Minister, Fuad Siniora, is seeking to quell fears of a power vacuum, following the departure from office of his rival, pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud, without a successor.

Mr. Siniora said today (Saturday) his government will continue to function according to the constitution. He added that its main goal is to complete the presidential election process.

The Lebanese parliament failed once again to appoint a new head of state Friday. Before leaving office, Mr. Lahoud declared a state of emergency and ordered the army to take charge of the nation's security. He stepped down as head of state at midnight (2200 UTC, Friday), when his term expired.

Mr. Siniora said there is no need for a state of emergency in Lebanon, and he emphasized that the army would continue to patrol the streets to maintain security.

There have been no reports of unrest in the capital, Beirut.