푸틴 대통령, 나토군 러시아 국경 침범 경고 (E)

블라드미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 북대서양조약기구, 나토군이 러시아 국경을 침범하지 말라고 20일 경고했습니다.

푸틴 대통령은 이 날 국방부 회의에 참석해 나토 병력이 이전에 맺은 협정을 위반하고 러시아 인근 국경 지역에 기지를 세우고 있다며 이같이 밝혔습니다.

푸틴 대통령은 또 러시아 정부는 나토군의 명백한 세력 확장 움직임을 좌시할 수 없다고 말했습니다.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned NATO against expanding along his country's borders.

Mr. Putin said today (Tuesday) at a Defense Ministry meeting that NATO is building up its resources near Russian frontiers in violation of previous agreements. He said Moscow cannot afford to remain indifferent to what he called NATO's obvious muscle flexing.

Mr. Putin said Russia must increase the combat-readiness of its strategic nuclear forces to ensure a "swift and adequate response to any aggressor."

He also warned that his country will not wait forever for its partners to join the adapted conventional arms control treaty. He said Russia will not fulfill any of its obligations under the 1999 version of the treaty until NATO members sign it.