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United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is in Lebanon today (Thursday) in an effort to break a political deadlock that threatens to delay the country's upcoming presidential election.

Mr. Ban is scheduled to hold talks with members of Lebanon's ruling majority and the Hezbollah-led opposition.

Both sides are disputing who should replace pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud before he steps down on November 24th.

Mr. Ban's visit follows a trip by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner earlier this week. On Tuesday, Mr. Kouchner said that leaders from Lebanon's influential Christian Maronite Church were drafting a list of possible presidential candidates that could be made public by today (Thursday).

The presidential voting session in parliament, scheduled for November 21st, has been postponed three times to give the anti-Syrian government and the pro-Syrian opposition more time to find a consensus candidate to succeed Mr. Lahoud.