레바논, 대통령 선거 세 번째 연기 (E)

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친 시리아계인 에밀 라후드 레바논 대통령은 오는 24일로 임기가 만료돼 퇴임합니다.

Lebanon's parliament speaker Nabih Berri has postponed presidential election for a third time to allow rival factions more time to agree on a consensus candidate.

The speaker's office issued a statement today (Saturday), saying the parliament session to elect president, which was set for Monday has been rescheduled for November 21st.

Lebanon's parliament has already twice postponed a vote on a successor to pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud, whose term expires November 24th.

Friday, French presidential advisor Claude Gueant held talks with Lebanese government and opposition figures in Beirut, discussing the selection of a possible compromise candidate.

Gueant says French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner will visit Beirut next week to continue efforts to break the deadlock.

Lebanon's anti-Syrian parliamentary majority wants to replace Mr. Lahoud with one of its own members, but opposition parties led by Hezbollah have rejected the majority's candidates.