일 민주당 오자와 이치로, 사의 표명 (E)

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The head of Japan's main opposition party says he will resign to take responsibility for controversy over a power-sharing proposal from Japan's ruling bloc.

Ichiro Ozawa offered to step down as chief of the Democratic Party of Japan today (Sunday). He faced criticism in the party for not immediately turning down the power-sharing offer from Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda on Friday.

Mr. Fukuda's offer was aimed at breaking a deadlock in parliament, where the opposition has stalled legislation since winning control of the upper house in July.

Among the bills being blocked is a measure that would extend Japan's support role in anti-terrorism operations in and around Afghanistan.

Democratic Party of Japan officials stressed Saturday they have no plans to back a compromise deal to allow Japanese ships to resume refueling operations in support of U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.