베네수엘라 국회, 차베스 대통령 장기집권 허용 헌법 개정안 승인 (E)

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Venezuela's National Assembly has approved extensive constitutional changes expanding President Hugo Chavez's power and supporting his plan to turn the oil-rich country into a socialist state.

The Assembly overwhelmingly approved 69 constitutional changes and amendments Friday, with all but seven of the chamber's 167 members voting for the changes.

If the amendments are ratified by the public next month (12/2) in a referendum, they will extend Mr. Chavez's term of office from six to seven years and lift a two-term limit on the presidency.

The proposals also strip the central bank of its autonomy, allow the state to expropriate private property and give authorities sweeping powers if a national emergency is declared, including detention without charges and controls on news media.