이라크 주재 미군법원, 간첩혐의 미군장교에 무죄 (E)

이라크 주재 미 군 법원은 19일 간첩협의로 기소된 미군 장교에 대해 무죄를 선고했습니다.

법원은 그러나 윌리엄 스틸 중령이 고위급 적군 수감자가 감시 없이 휴대전화를 사용하는 것을 허용하는 등에 대해 간첩혐의보다 더 중대한 범죄라며 종신형을 선고했습니다.

스틸 중령에게는 또 여성 통역자와 부적절하게 행동하고, 기밀 정보를 허가 없이 소지한 혐의도 적용됐습니다.

A U.S. military court in Iraq has acquitted an American officer on charges of aiding the enemy, but found him guilty on several lesser charges.

The court today (Friday) cleared Lieutenant Colonel William Steele of the more serious charge of allowing high-ranking enemy prisoners the use of unmonitored mobile phones. Steele faced life imprisonment if convicted on that charge.

He was convicted on charges of acting inappropriately with a female interpreter and unauthorized possession of classified information -- crimes that carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

At a pre-trial hearing earlier this month, Steele pleaded guilty to three of the seven charges against him.

Steele is the former head of a U.S. detention center in the Iraqi capital, where ousted dictator Saddam Hussein was held before his execution.