부시, 미 의회에 전자 통신 감청 법안 처리 촉구 (E)

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President Bush has urged the U.S. Congress to move forward on key pieces of legislation, including the federal budget, children's health care measures, and an electronic surveillance bill.

At a news conference in Washington today (Wednesday), Mr. Bush said the Democratic Party-controlled Congress has not sent him any appropriations bills for the current fiscal year.

The president urged Congress to send a bipartisan bill that strengthens the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows for wide use of eavesdropping of potential terrorist suspects without a court warrant.

The House of Representatives is expected to vote today on a new electronic surveillance bill that the Bush administration opposes. The bill expands court oversight of government surveillance.

Mr. Bush also predicted today the House will not be able to override his recent veto of a bill that expands a popular government-run health insurance program for children.