버마 군사정부, 민주 운동가들 추가 체포 (E)

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Reports from Southeast Asia say four prominent activists have been arrested in Burma, as the country's military government continues its crackdown on pro-democracy protesters.

The human rights group, Amnesty International, says (Htay Kywe, Mie Mie and Aung Thu) three of the activists arrested today (Saturday) were part of a group of student leaders who led a pro-democracy uprising in 1988.
Since late August, 13 members of the so-called 88 Generation Students group have been reported arrested.

Also today, the military government organized a mass rally at a sports stadium in Rangoon, bringing in thousands of people to chant pro-government slogans. Sources say many of the participants were brought in by bus from other parts of the city.

The U.N. special envoy to Burma, Ibrahim Gambari, is heading to southeast Asia to visit other countries in the region before returning to Burma for his second trip since the military crackdown.