안식처 찾아 나선 이라크 난민들, 국제사회 비협조로 어려움 가중 (E)

국내 폭력과 탄압을 피해 안식처를 찾아 나선 이라크 난민들의 어려움이 계속되고 있습니다. 유엔난민고등판무관실(UNHCR)을 이끌고 있는 안토니오 구테레스 판무관은 국제사회의 비협조로 이라크인들의 망명 기회가 줄어들고 있다며 이라크 난민들에게 국경을 개방할 것을 호소했습니다. 스위스 제네바에서 열린 일주일간의 난민회의를 마친 뒤 구테레스 판무관이 말하는, 지구촌이 당면한 난민 과제에 관해 자세히 알아보겠습니다.

유엔난민고등판무관실(UNHCR)은 시리아가 자국에 들어오길 희망하는 이라크 난민들의 입국 비자 발급을 규제했다고 밝혔습니다. 구호 요원들은 시리아가 국경에서 상업용 트럭 운전자들에게만 유일하게 입국비자를 발급하고 있다고 보고했습니다.

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지금까지1백 50만명의 이라크 난민을 수용한 시리아는 앞으로 더 이상 이라크 난민을 수용할 여력이 없다고 말하고 있습니다. 난민들을 지원할 재정이 부족하기 때문입니다.

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구테레스 판무관은 국제사회가 반드시 21세기의 새로운 강제 이주 형태를 다룰 수 있는 방법을 모색해야 한다고 말합니다.

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구테레스 판문관은 21세기에 국제사회가 가장 시급해 해결해야 과제 가운데 하나는 위험을 감수하면서 더 나은 삶을 찾아 떠돌아 다니는 절망의 사람들을 돕는 방법을 찾는 것이라고 말합니다.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, says Iraqis fleeing violence and persecution are finding fewer avenues of escape and he is appealing to countries to keep borders open to Iraqi asylum seekers. The High Commissioner was speaking to journalists at the conclusion of a one-week refugee conference in Geneva, from where we have this report from Lisa Schlein.

The U.N. refugee agency says Syria has imposed visa restrictions on Iraqis wishing to enter the country. Aid workers report only commercial truck drivers are being issued visas at the border.

Before these new rules went into effect, the agency says up to 2,000 people a day were crossing into Syria. Now the border crossing is practically deserted.

The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, says this effectively closes the last external refuge for Iraqis.

"The situation now is extremely worrying because Iraqis now find it extremely difficult to go out of the country and more and more difficult to move inside the country as there are internal borders also difficult to overcome between several governorates," he noted. "So, the situation is extremely worrying from our perspective because people are getting more and more trapped in extremely dangerous situations."

Syria, which is hosting nearly 1.5 million Iraqis, says it cannot cope with anymore. Guterres expresses disappointment with Western countries, that he says, are not fulfilling their pledges to provide Syria and Jordan with the financial support they need to assist the Iraqis.

While the situation in Iraq is particularly acute, it is only one of a number of asylum crises. One of the key issues discussed at the refugee conference this week dealt with the difficulty of providing protection for the increasingly large numbers of people on the move.

Guterres says millions of people are forced to flee from persecution or war, but millions of others find they are forced to flee for reasons such as extreme deprivation, climate change and environmental degradation. He says it is becoming more difficult to distinguish these different categories of displacement.

"If one looks at Darfur, it is true that in Darfur we have when a Janjaweed group attacks a village, we have a political problem linked to the political crisis in Darfur," he added. "But, there is also a competition for dwindling water resources between farmers and herders. So, war is many times driven by scarcity of resources. Scarcity of resources can be driven by climate change. All of these things are more and more mixed together."

Guterres says the international community has to find ways to deal with the new forms of displacement that are gaining shape in this century. Unlike refugees, he says people who flee for reasons of hunger or climate change are not protected under international law.

He says one of the burning issues of this century will be to find ways to help the many desperate people who put their lives at risk in search of a better life elsewhere.