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그러나, 일본 후지 텔레비전이 촬영한 화면을 통해 버마 보안군이 가까운 거리에서 소총을 겨누고 총격을 가하는 모습이 보였습니다. 비디오 저널리스트인 나가이 겐지 기자는 가슴에 총을 맞고 쓰러졌습니다.

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Japanese officials say Tokyo has lodged a formal protest with Burma over the death of a Japanese journalist during Thursday's pro-democracy protests in Rangoon.

Officials sayJapanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura issued the protest when he met his Burmese counterpart, Nyan Win, on Friday at U.N. headquarters in New York.

Japanese officials say Nyan Win said he was sorry for the death, and added that Burma's government hopes to exercise restraint.

Burmese authorities originally said the Japanese victim was hit by a stray bullet.

However, pictures broadcast by the Fuji television network show a soldier pointing his rifle and shooting from close range. Video journalist Kenji Nagai was thrown to the ground, apparently shot in the chest. Later photographs of the scene indicate the 50-year-old man died there a short time later.

Japan's authorities have sent a senior diplomat to Burma to press for a full explanation of Nagai's