버마 승려 수백명 19일  랑군에서 시위 (E)

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Hundreds of Buddhist monks are marching through Burma's main city of Rangoon and other cities to protest against the government, one day after authorities used force to suppress a similar procession.

Witnesses say at least 300 monks marched to Sule Pagoda today (Wednesday) after
authorities prevented them from entering Shwedagon Pagoda, Burma's holiest shrine.
Monks also staged smaller rallies in other parts of the capital.

Witnesses say plainclothes police followed the monks and videotaped the procession, but did not intervene.

More than 800 monks in Sittwe held a sit-in to demand the release of men jailed last month for giving water to monks during a protest. The monks urged the public not to join in.

Burma's military rulers acknowledge using tear gas and firing warning shots Tuesday to break up a protest of about one thousand monks in Sittwe - 550 kilometers northwest of Rangoon.