미국 시민 수 천명, 이라크 미군 철수 요구 시위 (E)

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Thousands of anti-war protesters have rallied in Washington to demand an end to the war in Iraq, the withdrawal of U.S. forces and the impeachment of President Bush.

War veterans, military families and at least five thousand other opponents of U.S. military involvement in Iraq chanted anti-war slogans as they marched from the White House to Capitol Hill Saturday.

Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, one of the keynote speakers at a rally before the march, accused the Bush administration of carrying out torture, kidnapping and other human rights abuses.

Clark was joined by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed while serving in Iraq. Sheehan told VOA that she believes most Iraqi people would let American troops withdraw from their country with honor.

About one thousand counter-demonstrators lined the route of the anti-war march, waving American flags and shouting their support for U.S. troops in Iraq.