유럽 연합, 피지 국가 비상사태 철회 촉구 (E)

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The European Union is urging Fiji's military-backed prime minister to lift a new round of emergency rule.

An EU statement today (Friday) says "it is not apparent which threats to national security, public order and safety exist to justify such a drastic measure."

On Thursday, Frank Bainimarama - the country's self-named interim prime minister - re-imposed a state of emergency, which had been lifted at the end of May. He said emergency rule will be in place for a month.

Mr. Bainimarama said the measures are needed to stop what he called the spread of lies by Fiji's deposed Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase.

Mr. Qarase returned to the capital, Suva, last week, after spending more than eight months in self-imposed exile. He was deposed in a military coup in December.