페루서 강진 발생 … 337명 사망 (E)

남미 페루 수도 리마에서 남쪽으로 약 145킬로미터 떨어진 해안 지역에서 15일 밤에 진도 7.9의 강력한 지진이 발생해 적어도 337명이 사망하고 수 백명이 부상했다고, 페루 당국자들이 밝혔습니다.

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미국에 본부를 둔 태평양 쓰나미 경보센터는 지진 발생 직후 남미 태평양 연안에 쓰나미 경보를 발령했지만 나중에 이를 해제했습니다.


Authorities in Peru say at least 337 people are dead after a powerful earthquake rocked the South American nation late Wednesday night.

Officials say hundreds of people were injured in the seven-point-nine magnitude quake, which struck off the coast of central Peru, about 145 kilometers southeast of the capital, Lima.

The quake lasted just two minutes, but caused massive damage and mudslides across the country, and sent frightened Peruvians into the streets. Local reports say many of the deaths occurred when a church collapsed in the southern city of Ica.

President Alan Garcia has ordered all public schools closed today because the buildings may be unsafe.

The U.S.-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center had issued a tsunami warning for the South American Pacific coast (in the nations of Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica) following the quake, but later canceled it.