이라크 자살트럭 공격 사망자 2백 여명으로 늘어 (E)

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이라크 경찰은 바그다드 남쪽 지방에서 판사의 차량 행렬에 대한 자살차량공격이 발생해, 경호원 2명이 사망하고 판사를 포함해 7명이 부상했다고 말했습니다.

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The U.S. military says al-Qaida was likely responsible for the multiple bombings in northern Iraq Tuesday that killed more than 200 people.

The military made the comment today (Wednesday), less than a day after four suicide truck bombers struck nearly simultaneously west of the city of Mosul.

The attack targeted members of the Yazidi minority, which is a Kurdish religious sect of ancient origin.

Rescuers continue to search through the rubble for people trapped in the debris. Officials say the death toll could rise.

The White House condemned the bombings as "barbaric attacks on innocent civilians."

In other news, Iraqi police say a suicide car bomber struck a judge's convoy south of Baghdad, killing two bodyguards and wounding seven other people, including the judge.