부시 대통령, 사르코지 프랑스 대통령과 정상회담 (E)

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U.S. President George Bush will host French President Nicolas Sarkozy for a casual lunch at the Bush family's Atlantic coast compound in (the northeastern state of) Maine today (Saturday).

Mr. Bush and his wife Laura invited Mr. Sarkozy and his wife Cecilia for the get-together in Kennebunkport while the French couple spend their summer vacation in the neighboring state of New Hampshire.

A White House spokeswoman (Dana Perino) said Friday the lunch is informal, but that the two leaders would likely talk about issues the two countries have cooperated on in the past, including Iran, Lebanon and Sudan.

White House officials say the lunch marks the beginning of a new era of relations between the two countries. Relations broke down under previous French President Jacques Chirac over disagreements on the Iraq War, climate changes and other matters.