아프간 주둔 미군, 탈레반 반군 20명 사살 (E)

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The U.S. military says nearly two dozen militants were killed during a rare frontal attack on a U.S. base in southern Afghanistan.

A statement from the U.S. led coalition says a group of 75 Taleban militants tried to overrun the base in southern Uruzgan province earlier today (Tuesday).

The statement says Afghan and U.S. forces backed by air support repelled the attack, killing more than 20 militants.

Two Afghan girls and two Afghan soldiers were wounded.

Violence has surged in Afghanistan over the past year and half as suspected Taleban militants have stepped up suicide attacks and roadside bombings. More than 50-thousand NATO and U.S. forces are battling the renewed insurgency in their strongholds in southern and eastern Afghanistan.