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동남아시아 연합ASEAN은 10개 회원국과 유럽 연합,아세안 지역 안보 포럼은 동남아시아 연합 10개 회원국과 유럽 연합, 기타 16개국으로 구성되어있습니다.


Foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are haggling over a draft charter that could create a rules-based community similar to the European Union.

They are holding informal discussions in the Philippine capital, Manila, today (Sunday) ahead of the meeting's official opening Monday.

The foreign ministers are trying to finalize a proposal for a human rights commission, as well as guidelines on how to handle votes and punish nations that break the charter rules. Burma has resisted the rights commission because it says it could violate ASEAN's traditional policy of non-interference in member's internal affairs.

After revisions, the charter is expected to be adopted and ratified at a leader's summit in November and ratified by member states by the end of 2008.