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The Iraqi bloc loyal to radical Shi'ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr says it has ended a boycott of parliament.

The group today (Tuesday) said its 30 lawmakers are returning because parliament has accepted demands to better protect Muslim shrines. Bloc members began a boycott last month to protest a second bombing of a revered Shi'ite mosque in Samarra.

In combat operations today, the U.S. military announced the beginning of a major assault on insurgents in the less-traveled areas of troubled al-Anbar province. Operation Mawtini includes more than nine thousand U.S. and Iraqi troops, and aims to neutralize the insurgency to prevent it from re-establishing itself in urban areas.

In other news, military authorities say at least 10 people, including at least three Iraqi soldiers, were killed today when a suicide bomber blew up his car next to an army patrol in Baghdad.