영국 경찰, 폭탄테러 용의자 2명 석방 (E)

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British police say they have released two people who had been detained in connection with last month's failed car bomb attacks in London and Glasgow.

The two who were released without charge are physician trainees arrested July second -- two days after a vehicle packed with gas cylinders, nails and gasoline smashed into barricades near the entrance to Glasgow's main airport. A woman detained in the case was released last week.

Three people -- two in Britain and one in Australia -- have been charged. Police have identified the suspects as Indian-born doctor Sabeel Ahmed, and his brother, Kafeel, who remains hospitalized in Glasgow with severe burns. A distant cousin of the two, Muhammad Haneef, was charged Saturday in Brisbane, Australia.

Separately, a British judge has given police until July 21st to question a Jordanian doctor who was arrested in northern England June 30th.