부시, 이라크전에 대한 '인내심' 의회에 재차 부탁 (E)

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President Bush has again asked the U.S. Congress to wait until September to see if his troop build-up for Iraq is working.

Speaking in Ohio today (Tuesday), Mr. Bush again said that failure in Iraq would have serious consequences for America's future. He called on the U.S. Congress to wait until his top commander in Iraq, General David Petraeus, delivers his final report on progress there by September 15th.

The speech comes as the president faces increasing pressure from members of his own Republican Party, and the Senate debates military spending this week. Republican Senator Olympia Snowe said today she would not be surprised to see more of her Republican colleagues demand a phased withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq.

Three senior Republican senators -- Richard Lugar, George Voinovich and Pete Domenici -- have announced they can no longer support the president on Iraq, and they called on him to begin drawing down U.S. forces there.