북한, 미국의 미사일 방어계획 비난 (E)

북한 관영 조선중앙통신은 미국에 대해 이른바 자위수단을 강화할지도 모른다고 경고했습니다.

조선중앙통신은 미국이 세계적인 미사일 방어계획으로 군비경쟁을 가속화하고 있다고 비난하면서, 이같이 경고했습니다.

한편 북 핵 문제와 관련해서 BDA 자금 송금과 함께 북한의 영변 원자로 폐쇄조건이 거의 충족된 것으로 보입니다. 북한은 마카오 방코델타아시아은행에 동결된 북한 자금 2,500만 달러를 인수할 때까지는 영변원자로를 폐쇄하지 않을 것이라고 버티고 있습니다.


North Korea's news agency has warned the United States that it might bolster its so-called "self-defense" program, just as a key condition for nuclear disarmament appears to be nearly met.

The KCNA news agency today (Friday) accused the U.S. of escalating an arms race with what it called a plan to build a global missile defense program.

North Korea has refused to honor a February nuclear disarmament agreement to shut down its Yongbyon nuclear reactors until it receives funds that have been frozen for months in a Macau bank.

The bank has released the funds, but it is unclear whether they have been completely transferred to a North Korean account in a Russian bank.

As the fund transfer process went on Friday, South Korea's top nuclear negotiator (Chun Yung-woo) said that the path to disarming North Korea's nuclear weapons will be more difficult than resolving a banking issue.