미-폴란드 정상회담…미사일 방어계획 논의 (E)

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U.S. President George Bush has thanked Poland for its support of U.S. plans for deploying a missile defense system in Europe.

Mr. Bush made his comments in Gdansk as he concluded a brief visit to Poland and talks with that country's President Lech Kaczynski before heading for Rome - the next stop on Mr. Bush's European trip.

Both leaders stressed that the system will not threaten any neighboring country but involves plans for defense against rogue states such as Iran and North Korea.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly called the system, planned for Poland and the Czech Republic, a threat to his country's security.

But at the Group of Eight Summit in Germany Thursday, the Russian leader surprised Mr. Bush by offering to work with Washington on anti-missile defense if the weapons system is broadened to include a Soviet-built radar base in Azerbaijan.