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Thousands of Turks in the Black Sea port of Samsun have protested against the Islamic-rooted government, which they fear is undermining Turkey's secular system.

The crowd in the city's main square waved red Turkish flags today (Sunday) and chanted against Islamic Sharia law.

Samsun is where modern Turkey's secular founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, began the country's war of independence against occupying powers after World War One.

More than a million people demonstrated last Sunday in Turkey's western city of Izmir against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Islamic-rooted government.

Although Mr. Erdogan has expressed support for the country's secular laws, his opponents have accused him of having a secret Islamist agenda.

Turkey's main opposition party, the pro-secular Republican People's Party and the left-wing Democratic Left Party formed an alliance last week to contest July parliamentary elections.