레바논서 정부군-과격단체 충돌, 19명 사망 (E)

20일, 레바논 북부 항구도시 트리폴리에서 정부군 병력과 이슬람 과격단체간에 무력충돌이 벌어져 적어도 열 아홉 명이 살해됐습니다.

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Security forces in Lebanon say fighting today (Sunday) in the northern city of Tripoli between Lebanese troops and Islamic militants left several people dead and wounded on both sides.

Authorities say Lebanese forces clashed with members of Fatah al-Islam in the Palestinian refugee camp at Nahr al-Bared and in the streets of Tripoli near the camp.

Officials gave differing casualty figures, but media reports indicate at least seven soldiers and three Palestinians were killed and several wounded on both sides in fierce fighting.

By long-standing agreement, Lebanese police and soldiers do not enter Lebanon's refugee camps, leaving security issues to Palestinian militant groups.

Authorities say the fighting began when security forces tried to detain suspects in a bank robbery outside the camp.