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The White House has rejected a proposal from Democratic lawmakers on Iraq war funding that would allow President Bush to waive a timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops.

White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten says having a bill that has a timetable, even if it could be waived, would send the wrong message to both adversaries and allies of the United States, and to U.S. troops in the field.

Bolten spoke after meeting on Capitol Hill with top lawmakers on funding military operations in Iraq. President Bush previously vetoed a spending bill that would have set an enforceable timetable for withdrawal.

Bolten expressed support for a proposal by the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, John Warner of Virginia, which would require President Bush to certify that progress has been made and that certain benchmarks have been met by the Iraqi government -- or face a cut-off of U.S. funds.

The Senate narrowly rejected the Warner amendment earlier this week.