사르코지 프랑스 대통령 공식 취임 (E)

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Nicolas Sarkozy has taken office as French President.

Outgoing French President Jacques Chirac presented his successor with the codes for France's nuclear arsenal as artillery salutes echoed outside Elysee Palace. At the ceremony, Mr. Sarkozy gave a brief address and said he wants to unite the French people to face the challenges confronting the country.

Mr. Sarkozy is to go to the Arc de Triomphe to lay a wreathe at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier before taking a brief trip to Berlin to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Mr. Sarkozy is expected to appoint his Cabinet Thursday or Friday.

The conservative former interior minister is expected to broaden his government's political base by naming a moderate, Francois Fillon, as prime minister. Bernard Kouchner, the Socialist founder of the charity Doctors Without Borders, is expected to become foreign minister.

Mr. Sarkozy beat Socialist candidate Segolene Royal in a runoff election May sixth.