아프간 유엔차량 폭발, 네팔 군인등 5명 사망 (Eng)

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Afghan police and United Nations officials say a roadside bomb blast has hit a U.N.
vehicle in southern Afghanistan, killing four Nepalese security guards and their Afghan

Today's (Tuesday's) attack happened in Kandahar city. The Reuters news agency quotes a Taleban commander (Mullah Hayatullah Khan) as claiming responsibility for the attack.

Elsewhere, officials say an explosion today outside a school in the country's western city of Herat killed at least three children. Details of that incident are not yet clear.

On Monday, a suicide bomber killed nine policemen and wounded 25 others in the
northern city of Kunduz, where militant attacks are rare.

Taleban fighters claimed responsibility for that attack. Suicide attacks on Saturday and Sunday killed at least 11 people.