FTA 에 항의 분신했던 택시기사 사망 (Eng)

한국과 미국간 자유무역협정 합의에 항의해 서울에서 분신했던 택시 기사, 허세욱씨가 15일, 사망했습니다.

허세욱씨는 3도 화상을 입어 서울 한강성심병원에서 2주일 동안 치료받았으나 이날 사망했다고 병원 관계자들이 밝혔습니다.

허세욱씨는 지난 4월 1일, 한-미 자유무역협정의 막바지 협상이 열린 건물 밖에서 온몸에 기름을 붓고 분신을 기도했었습니다.


Hospital officials in Seoul say a South Korean man who set himself on fire to protest a free trade agreement between South Korea and the United States has died of his injuries.

The 53 year-old taxi driver (Huh Se-uk) died today (Sunday) after two weeks of medical treatment for third degree burns.

The man had doused himself in flammable liquid and set himself on fire April first during a protest outside the building where U.S. and South Korean trade negotiators were meeting.

Negotiators reached a deal a day later. If U.S. and South Korean lawmakers pass the agreement, it will reduce or remove tariffs on nearly all products traded between the countries.

South Korean farmers and activists frequently demonstrated against the deal because they say it will take away important local jobs.