부시 대통령 ‘올해 이민법 개혁’ 선언 (Eng)

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President Bush has promised to reform the nation's immigration laws this year and says his work with Congress on the issue looks promising.

Mr. Bush outlined his plans for reform during a speech Monday in Yuma, Arizona, near the border with Mexico.

His proposals include deploying more border patrol agents, creating a guest worker program, reducing the smuggling of humans across the border, the distribution of tamper-proof identity cards for foreign workers and holding employers more accountable if they hire illegal immigrants.

The president also wants to find a middle ground between deportation and amnesty for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants already in the United States.

He said the practice known as "catch and release" -- of arresting illegal immigrants, then setting them free pending a court hearing they rarely appear at -- has been effectively ended. He added that foreign governments understand they must take back the immigrants.

Mr. Bush has wanted to make a comprehensive immigration reform bill a centerpiece of his domestic policy legacy, but he has been at odds with some in Congress over the issue.