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A United Nations climate change panel warns that up to one-third of the Earth's species face an increased risk of extinction if global temperatures rise by two degrees Celsius.

The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued the finding in a report summary today (Friday).

The panel's chairman (Rajendra Pachauri) said the poorest of the poor would be hardest hit by climate change.

The report said dry areas such as sub-Saharan Africa would get drier, exposing people to water shortages. Experts warn that parts of Asia could experience massive flooding, and parts of North America could face more severe tropical storms and heatwaves.

Diplomats at the climate change conference in Brussels objected to some of the report's harsh wording.

After diplomatic wrangling, the summary's editors reduced the degree of confidence that scientists place on the likelihood of negative effects on man and the environment.