미국-인도 핵 회담 개최 (Eng)

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India and the United States held talks today (Monday) in New Delhi to hammer out details of a landmark civilian nuclear technology deal.

The U.S. delegation is being led by State Department official Richard Stratford (head of the State Department's office of Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security), while the Indian side is headed by External Affairs Ministry official Gayatri Kumar.

The deal reached last year provides India access to key U.S. civilian nuclear technology for the first time in more than 30 years. In return, India is to place most of its nuclear reactors under international inspection even though the country has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Some critics say the terms of the deal infringe on Indian sovereignty, including a ban on reprocessing spent fuel and not allowing India to use any materials supplied by the U.S. for military purposes.