미국, 이란 대통령 비자 승인 (Eng)

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매코맥 대변인은 아흐마디네자드 대통령이 이번 기회를 국제사회와의 대결이 아닌 협상의 기회로 활용해야 한다고 말했습니다.

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미국과 이란은 외교관계를 맺지 않고 있습니다.


The United States has approved a visa for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to visit New York to address the United Nations Security Council on Iran's nuclear program.

State Department spokesman Sean McCormack announced the approval of the visa today (Monday).

Mr. Ahmadinejad wants to address the Security Council as it considers further sanctions because of Iran's refusal to stop enriching uranium, which can be used for producing nuclear weapons.

McCormack said Mr. Ahmadinejad should use the opportunity to say he agrees to negotiations and does not seek confrontation.

Iran denies it is trying to develop nuclear weapons, but has given no sign that it is ready to stop enriching uranium.

The United States and Iran do not have diplomatic relations.