이라크서 폭탄공격으로 40명 사망 (Eng)

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경찰은 11일, 남부도시 카르발라에서 열린 종교 행사에 참석한 후 바그다드로 돌아오는 시아파 순례자들을 태운 트럭에 자살폭탄범이 공격을 가해 적어도 31명이 사망했다고 밝혔습니다.

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Bomb attacks have killed more than 30 people in Iraq, a day after the government asked its neighbors for help in stopping the daily violence.

Police said today (Sunday) a suicide bomber killed at least 10 people in eastern Baghdad when he blew himself up aboard a mini-bus (as it passed near Mustansiriya University).

Another bomber targeted a truck carrying Shi'ite pilgrims returning from religious ceremonies in the southern city of Karbala. At least 19 people died.

And a bomb in the northern city of Mosul killed three people at the headquarters of the country's largest Sunni political party (the Iraqi Islamic Party).

Also today (Sunday), the U.S. military said coalition forces captured 15 al-Qaida militants and foreign fighters.