대 이란 추가 금융제재안에 중국-러시아 우려 (Eng)

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대이란 추가조치 내용은 이란 관리들에 대한 여행금지와 금융 및 무역 제한, 이란제 무기수출 금지 등을 골자로 하고 있습니다. 유엔 안전보장 이사회의 거부권을 가진 중국, 러시아, 미국, 프랑스, 영국 등 상임 이사국 대사들은 9일, 네 번째 회의를 열어 대이란 추가 제재조치 시행방안 모색에 관해 논의했습니다.


China and Russia have expressed deep concern over Western proposals to impose tough financial sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program.

China's United Nations ambassador (Wang Guangya) says China's main concern is that the proposed U.N. penalties would end up hurting the Iranian people.

He says Russia is mostly concerned that the proposed sanctions target the Iranian Revolutionary guards, and says Russia feels that it is wrong to punish an institution.

Ambassadors from the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and Germany met Friday for the fourth time this week in search of a way forward on the sanctions proposals. Top diplomats from the countries also spoke several times this week to try find a compromise.

The proposed sanctions include a travel ban on some Iranian officials, financial and trade restrictions, and a ban on Iranian weapons exports.