에티오피아 군, 소말리아 키스마요서 철수 (Eng)

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Ethiopian troops have withdrawn from the southern Somali city of Kismayo.

Somali officials on the scene say the Ethiopians left Kismayo on Thursday, leaving it in the hands of Somalia's transitional government.

Ethiopian forces took control of the port city in December while helping the government defeat a rival Islamist movement that had taken over much of southern Somalia.

Somali officials did not say where the hundreds of Ethiopian troops are going.

Ethiopia has said it will gradually withdraw all its troops from Somalia as more African Union peacekeepers arrive.

About one-thousand A.U. troops from Uganda arrived in the capital, Mogadishu, this week. A plane carrying several more Ugandan troops caught fire as it landed at Mogadishu's airport today (Friday). A Ugandan army spokesman said the fire was caused by a mechanical failure and that no one was injured.