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U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney is heading to Australia, after wrapping up a three-day visit to Japan and a brief stop in the U.S. pacific island of Guam to bolster support for the war in Iraq.

Australia tightened security ahead of Cheney's arrival today (Thursday), as hundreds of protesters in Sydney marched and demanded the withdrawal of Australian troops from Iraq.

Australia is one of Washington's closest allies in the Iraq war.

Earlier today (Thursday), Cheney spoke to hundreds of U.S. sailors and airmen at the Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, where he rallied support for the war.

In Japan Wednesday, Cheney said the United States would not retreat from Iraq.

He held talks with top Japanese officials, including the prime minister (Shinzo Abe) and chief cabinet secretary (Yasuhisa Shiozaki). However, he did not meet the defense minister (Fumio Kyuma), who recently criticized Washington's decision to invade Iraq.