독일, 유럽 내 미군 미사일 배치계획 비난 (Eng)

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Germany's foreign minister has criticized the United States for failing to include Russia in discussions about a proposed missile defense system in Europe.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier says, because of the strategic nature of the project and its close proximity to Russia, Washington should have included Moscow in the talks from the beginning.

Steinmeier's comments appear in an interview published today (Monday) in Germany's "Handelsblatt" newspaper.

The United States has asked NATO allies Poland and the Czech Republic to host elements of its proposed anti-missile shield.

After meeting today (Monday) in Warsaw, the Polish and Czech prime ministers (Poland's Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Czech Republic's Mirek Topolanek) said they both are likely to accept the U.S. proposal.

Russia strongly opposes Washington's plan, which the Kremlin sees as hostile.

But the United States says its proposed missile defense system poses no threat to Russia.