압바스 자치수반, 단합정부 구성 요청 (Eng)

팔레스타인 과격단체 하마스 주도의 팔레스타인 자치정부 내각의 사임을 이스마일 하니예 총리가 발표한데 이어 파타측의 마흐무드 압바스 자치수반이 하니예 총리에게 단합정부 구성을 요청했습니다.

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Officials say Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has asked Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, from the rival Hamas group, to form a unity government.

The formal request came at a ceremony in the Gaza Strip where, earlier, Mr. Haniyeh announced the resignation of his current Hamas-led government.

The moves pave the way for a unity government between Mr. Abbas's moderate Fatah faction and the Islamic militant group Hamas.

Earlier, disputes between the two factions over their unity deal threatened to postpone the planned resignation.

Today's ceremony indicates that the leaders have resolved their disputes, said to focus on who will lead the crucial interior ministry.

Meanwhile, news reports say U.S. officials have informed Mr. Abbas that Washington will boycott the unity government.

A State Department spokesman (Sean McCormack) said the question is premature and hypothetical because the new government has not been formed.