유럽연합 외무장관들, 이란 제재 이행 합의 (Eng)

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European Union foreign ministers have agreed to implement U.N. sanctions against Iran for refusing to stop uranium enrichment.

At a meeting today (Monday) in Brussels, Belgium, the EU officials formally adopted a series of sanctions authorized by a U.N. Security Council resolution (1737) last December.

The resolution calls for a ban on selling materials and technology to Iran that could be used in its nuclear and missile programs. The sanctions also include a freeze on the assets of 10 Iranian companies and individuals.

EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana says the EU wants to maintain dialogue with Iran following what he described as a "good" meeting Sunday with Iran's top nuclear negotiator (Ali Larijani) in Munich (on the sidelines of a security conference).

But, Solana also says that Tehran knows what the EU wants it to do.

The EU foreign ministers also agreed to continue offering a package of economic incentives to Iran if it abandons nuclear enrichment.