힐러리 클린턴등 미 의회 대표단 이라크 방문 (Eng)

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U.S. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton is in Iraq, heading a bipartisan delegation that will meet with senior Iraqi officials and U.S. military commanders.

Clinton, fellow Democratic Senator Evan Bayh and Republican Congressman John McHugh are the first U.S. lawmakers to visit Baghdad since President Bush announced he was sending more troops to Iraq.

Clinton and other Democrats oppose the move to deploy more than 20-thousand additional U.S. troops.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki expressed support today (Saturday) for President Bush's new Iraq strategy. A statement issued by his office says U.S. forces will be working in support of Iraqi troops as they implement the prime minister's plan to restore peace to Baghdad.

Earlier today (Saturday), the U.S. military said the Iraqi army and police detained an imam (of the Al-Mahdi Mosque) suspected of leading an illegal armed group involved in the murder, torture and kidnapping of civilians in the northern city of Balad.