이라크, 쿠르드족 학살 재판 속개 (Eng)

지난 1980년대 이라크 쿠르드족 학살에 관여했던 전 이라크 고위 관리들에 대한 재판이 8일 바그다드에서 속개됐습니다.

6명의 피고는 ‘케미컬 알리’로 알려진 사담 후세인의 사촌 하산 알 마자드와 전 집권당인 바트당 간부들입니다.

이 피고들은 이라크의 사담 후세인 전 정부가 안팔 작전의 일환으로 북부 쿠르드족 마을에서 18만여명을 살해한 혐의와 연루돼 기소됐었습니다.

이날 속개된 재판에서 검찰은 마지드가 화학 무기의 사용을 허가하는 내용이 담겨있는 것으로 알려진 테잎을 공개했습니다.


The trial of former Iraqi leaders accused in the mass killings of Iraqi Kurds in the 1980s has resumed in Baghdad.

The six remaining defendants include Saddam Hussein's cousin Hassan al-Majeed, known as "Chemical Ali."

The officials are charged with involvement in the slaughter of up to 180-thousand Kurdish villagers in northern Iraq as part of the former government's "Anfal" campaign. Majeed is accused of genocide in the campaign.

In today's session, the prosecution played tapes of what they said was Majeed authorizing the use of chemical weapons.

Majeed was heard saying, on the tapes, that he will attack the Kurds with chemical weapons and to hell with international criticism.

In the courtroom, the seat of former president Saddam Hussein was empty. As the session began, the chief judge said the court has stopped legal action against Saddam, who was hanged on December 30th.