소말리아 민병대 모가디슈 탈환 중 (Eng)

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Reports from Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, say local miltias are re-taking control of the city from the Islamists.

Two Somali news agencies (Shabelle and Somalinet) say the militias took control of some areas today (Wednesday) after Islamist fighters disappeared or handed over their weapons.

Witnesses say vendors are also selling khat, the popular leafy narcotic that the Islamic courts banned.

The reports came as forces loyal to Somalia's interim government, backed by Ethiopian troops, advanced toward the capital.

Today, the pro-government forces seized the town of Jowhar and were reported to be near Balad, just 30 kilometers from Mogadishu.

Islamist officials have insisted their fighters are making a tactical retreat. Some have also threatened to launch a guerrilla war.

Ethiopia's information minister (Berhane Hailu) told VOA today that Ethiopian troops do not plan to enter Mogadishu. It was unclear if the Somali government troops will advance independently.