바그다드서 폭탄공격으로 최소 20명 사망 (Eng)

이라크 수도 바그다드 곳곳에서 26일 일련의 차량 폭탄 공격과 도로변 폭탄 공격이 발생해 최소한 20명이 사망하고 수십명이 부상했다고 이라크 보안관리들이 말했습니다.

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한편 이라크 주둔 미군당국은 이라크에서 25일과 26일 폭탄공격으로 미군 병사 6명이 사망했다고 밝혔습니다.

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The U.S. military in Iraq says six American soldiers have been killed in recent attacks in Iraq.

A military statement says three soldiers were killed and another wounded today (Tuesday) when their patrol was hit by a roadside bomb blast southwest of Baghdad. Military officials said today three other soldiers were killed during operations Monday.

The military also says coalition forces captured a "suspected leader of a murder and kidnapping cell" near Baghdad.

Iraqi officials say at least four people died and more than 12 others were wounded when several car bombs exploded almost simultaneously at a busy intersection of Baghdad early today.

In another development, White House officials say they will wait for the completion of an investigation into the activities of several Iranians detained in Baghdad before characterizing their actions.

A spokesman says the detentions could validate U.S. claims of Iranian meddling in Iraq.