이란대통령, UN 이란 제재 결의안 거부 (eng)

이란의 마흐무드 아흐마디네자드 대통령은 이란에 대해 가해진 유엔 제재 조치에 대해 중요치않은 하찮은 것이라면서 이를 일축했습니다. 아흐마디네자드 대통령은 유엔안전보장이사회가 자체 우라늄 농축 계획을 중단하도록 이란을 설득하기 위한 대이란 제재를 만장일치로 가결한 지 하루만인 24일 그같이 일축했습니다. 이에 관해 좀더 자세히 전해 드립니다.


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앞서 23일 유엔안보리는 특별 회의를 통해 이란의 핵 미사일 개발 계획에 사용될 수도 있는 위험한 핵물질이나 기술의 수입과 수출을 금하는 조치를 통과시켰습니다. 이 제재조치는 또한 핵확산 활동에 관련된 이란의 여러 개인과 회사들의 자산도 동결할 것을 촉구하고 있습니다.

유엔은 이란이 이보다 앞서 우라늄 농축 활동 중단 시한을 무시한지 거의 넉달 만에 이같은 표결을 실시했습니다. 미국은 UN 결의안이 각나라들 특히 러시아에서 보다 강경한 조치들을 마련하기 위한 길을 열어주길 원한다고 말해왔습니다.

유엔안보리 결의안에 대한 반응으로 이란 의회는 24일 이란 정부에게 국제원자력기구, IAEA에 협력하지 말도록 촉구하는 안을 가결시켰습니다. 그러나 이 안은 어떠한 일정을 설정하거나 아무런 세부사항도 밝히지 않고 있습니다.

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The president of Iran dismissed U.N. sanctions imposed against his country as, in his words, "superficial" and "unimportant." He spoke in Tehran today (Sunday), one day after the U.N. Security Council unanimously approved measures aimed at persuading Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment program. VOA's Stephanie Ho reports from Washington.


Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the U.N. sanctions will not harm his country, and he warned that U.N. Security Council members will regret their decision.

He said western countries have lost the opportunity to be what he called a friend to Iran.

In a special Saturday session, the U.N. Security Council passed a measure prohibiting the import or export of dangerous materials and technology that could be used in Iran's nuclear missile programs. It also calls for a freeze on the assets of several Iranian individuals and companies involved in proliferation-related activities.

The U.N. vote came nearly four months after Iran defied an earlier Council deadline to halt uranium enrichment.

The United States has said it hoped the resolution would clear the way for tougher measures by individual countries, particularly Russia.

In reaction, Iran's parliament on Sunday voted to urge the country's administration to revise its cooperation with the nuclear watchdog IAEA but did not set a timeline or provide further details.

Speaking in Tehran, Mr. Ahmadinejad said he believes the Security Council has been discredited by its actions. He repeated accusations that the U.N. body is acting as, in his words, "the blind servant" of the United States, Britain and Israel.

The Iranian leader added that his country has the technology to produce nuclear fuel and insists on keeping it. Iran has repeatedly said its nuclear program is peaceful and intended only for power generation.

Ban Ki-moon, the incoming U.N. Secretary General, said he considers international efforts to restrict Iran's nuclear program of significance to the whole world.

"The Iranian nuclear issue has much greater implications on regional and global issues."

Speaking Sunday in an interview with ABC's "This Week" television program, he urged Iran to engage in international negotiations on its nuclear program.