힐 대표, '금융문제보다 핵문제에 중점둬야' (Eng)

미국측 6자회담 수석대표인 크리스토퍼 힐 국무부 동아시아태평양 담당 차관보는 북한 협상대표들은 금융제재 문제가 아니라 핵 문제에 초점을 맞춰야 한다고 말했습니다.

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U.S. envoy Christopher Hill is urging North Korean negotiators to focus on nuclear disarmament rather than complaints about U.S. sanctions.

(U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Hill) says it is "difficult" to make progress on nuclear issues when North Korea is pre-occupied with U.S. financial restrictions against companies accused of illicit dealings with Pyongyang.

Nuclear negotiators from the six parties to the talks (China, the United States, North Korea, South Korea, Russia and Japan) are meeting in Beijing for a fourth day today (Thursday) to discuss how to implement a (September) 2005 agreement with North Korea.

Under the agreement, North Korea promised to abandon nuclear weapons in return for aid and security guarantees.

But, North Korea says it will not implement the agreement until Washington cancels financial restrictions, which froze 24 million dollars in North Korean funds at a Macau bank (Banco Delta Asia).

The talks on North Korea's nuclear programs are expected to conclude on Friday -- one day later than planned.

Hill met North Korean officials Wednesday. He said both sides are moving toward implementing what he calls "real issues on the ground" and not just agreements on paper.