이란 선거에서 아흐마디네자드 반대세력 승리 (Eng)

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이란 내무부가 21일에 발표한 최종 개표결과에 따르면 강경파 아흐마디네자드 대통령에 반대하는 온건 보수파가 최대 의석을 차지했으며 개혁파가 그 다음으로 많은 의석을 차지했습니다.

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Opponents of Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have won nationwide municipal elections held last week.

Final results announced today (Thursday) by Iran's interior ministry show moderate conservatives opposed to the president won a majority of the seats in city councils, followed by reformists.

In Tehran, moderate conservatives won eight of the 15 seats in the council. Reformists captured four, Mr. Ahmadinejad's allies won two, and an independent candidate won one seat.

Moderate conservatives also did well in elections for the powerful Assembly of Experts, a conservative body of clerics that monitors Iran's supreme leader and chooses his successor.

Former President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani -- an opponent of Mr. Ahmadinejad -- won his re-election to the assembly with a huge margin.

Iran's biggest reformist party (the Islamic Iran Participation Front) described the results as "a big no" to Mr. Ahmadinejad and his allies.