북한, 6자회담서 ‘경수로 건설·제재 해제’ 요구 (Eng)

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North Korea and the United States have staked out widely differing positions during six-party talks on Pyongyang's nuclear program. The talks resumed today (Monday)after a long delay in the process and come just two months after North Korea tested a nuclear device.

North Korean envoy Kim Kye Gwan came to the meeting with a list of tough demands in exchange for disarmament Kim demanded that Pyongyang be provided with a civilian nuclear reactor, and that all U.N. and U.S. financial sanctions against North Korea be dropped before it gives up it's nuclear program.

He said that if the North's demands were not met it would strengthen its nuclear deterrent. U.S. envoy Christopher Hill said the international community will not accept North Korea as a nuclear state.

He also said Washington is running out of patience with North Korea's refusal to disarm.