이라크 무장괴한들, 적신월 직원 20여명 납치 (eng)

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Gunmen in Iraqi army uniforms have carried out a mass kidnapping at the Iraqi Red Crescent office in Baghdad.

At least 24 men were taken hostage from the humanitarian agency's office. Officials say at least six hostages have been released.

The attack took place as British Prime Minister Tony Blair made a surprise visit to Baghdad.

At a news conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, Mr. Blair said Britain is committed to making sure that Iraq's democracy is not destroyed by terrorists. Mr. Blair also visited British troops in southern Iraq.

Meanwhile, a reconciliation conference involving Iraq's rival ethnic and religious factions enters its second day in Baghdad. Delegates are searching for ways to stop sectarian violence.

A Shi'ite lawmaker (Haidar Ibadi) says Mr. Maliki will announce a plan today at the conference to give amnesty to detainees who have not killed coalition forces or Iraqi civilians.